L.E.A.D.S is an acronym for Learning Empowers And Develops Skills. The university exists to help develop individuals and employees to become leaders in their own spaces and the marketplace.
LEADS U is a learning center that provides tools, resources, courses and trainings. We believe that the information is the tool that can remedy the past, correct the present and create the future of our dreams. LEADS U also helps develops a new breed of leaders that impact their world and organization.
Management and Leadership development program are a core need for any organization that wants to be successful in its industry and a foundation on which the future of the organization will be sustain.
The program helps organization improve productivity, build better team members, train future leaders for the organization, and increases employee’s morale and retention.
L.E.A.D.S U provides leadership courses and tools that empower individuals to lead themselves from their current state to their desire future state. Courses on leadership, priority, productivity and execution etc. This helps individuals not only to lead intentional, also to lead with a natural disposition.